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New for 2018: RaiseMe Resume Workshop!

Posted on 07 May 2018 by operator (0)

Reborn in Security: How to Make a Career Change

Is there a role in security you wish you had but have no idea where to start to make that dream come true? If you want to make a career change, we want to help! In this combination talk and workshop, you’ll learn:

  • What you should do to your resume
  • What types of roles and employers you should target
  • How to manage the interview and negotiation
  • How to help recruiters help you
  • How LUGs and conferences make a difference
  • Is there such a thing as too many certifications?

Bring two copies of your current resume. No matter what sort of shape it’s in you’ll walk away with great insight about how it could be helping or hurting your career ambitions.

The RaiseMe workshop starts on Sunday, May 27th at 3:00 PM in the Hardware Hacking Village.

You haven’t registered yet??? Online pre-registration is also ending soon! Head over to the Registration page and book your conference tickets NOW!

One week left to get discounted hotel rooms at the conference venue! Don’t wait, book now via this direct link. Learn more about the conference venue on the Venue page!

The LayerOne Staff

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