LayerOne 2009
Presenter: David Bryan Topic: Hacking w/ GNU Radio Slides: David’s Slides |
Presenter: Don Ankney Topic: Is XSS Solveable? Slides: Don’s Slides |
Presenter: Joe McCray Topic: Advanced SQL Injection Slides: Joe’s Slides |
Presenter: Jim O’Gorman Topic: Policy: The Biscuit Game of InfoSec Slides: Jim’s Slides |
Presenter: Kevin Nassery Topic: Diplomatic Security Consulting Slides: Kevin’s Slides |
Presenter: Erik Berls Topic: Deploying DNSSEC Slides: Erik’s Slides |
Presenter: CP, Adam, Frank^2, and Vyrus Topic: TwatFS: A surly abuse of social networking Slides: TwatFS Slides |
Presenter: Ryan Upton Topic: Incident Response 101 Slides: Ryan’s Slides |
Presenter: Doug Cohen Topic: Computation and Modeling Slides: Doug’s Slides |
Presenter: Datagram Topic: Lockpicking Forensics Slides: Datagram’s Slides |
Presenter: Strom Carlson Topic: Why Your Mother Will Never Care About Linux Slides: Strom’s Slides |
Presenter: Deviant Ollam Topic: Packing and the Friendly Skies Slides: Deviant’s Slides |
Xinc’s Photos
Hacker Karaoke
Dan Spisak’s Photos