The (De)Obfuscated: De-obfuscation contest returns!

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“We deal in deception here. What we do not deal with is self-deception. Five years from now you could be anything else in the world, but you will not be a LayerOne (De)Obfuscation contest winner.”
You sure about that?
LayerOne 2015 is proud to announce the return of the (De)Obfuscation-Contest! The (De)Obfuscated is a reversing/code focused CTF specializing in the worst of the worst when it comes to code and binary analysis. Prepare for blood, sweat, and headaches; this contest will test the limits of your knowledge on reverse engineering, programming, code obfuscation, and poorly written crime-noir themed programming jokes. Did you miss last year or want to get some reps in before the 2015 contest? The 2014 (De)Obfuscation Contest website is available for practice!
The LayerOne Staff