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LayerOne 2020 is Cancelled : (

Posted on 17 March 2020 by operator (0)

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the current CDC timelines, we’ll be unable to host LayerOne 2020. We’re in the process of refunding all registrations but this may take a few days to process. We are reviewing if we’d like to do some of the contests or events in a virtual capacity, but for most of LayerOne this doesn’t make sense. Any virtual events we host will be free of charge and open to everyone to participate in.

Thank you to everyone who submitted to this year’s CFP/CFT, registered for the conference, or was volunteering for staff, contests, or events. You all make LayerOne great every year and we hope that you’re able to make it in 2021.

In the meantime: stay safe, healthy, and happy!

The LayerOne Staff

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