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Amateur Radio Testing at LayerOne

Posted on 21 May 2013 by operator (0)

This year we will have a Volunteer Examiner (VE) team on-site to do Part 97 testing for all three Amateur Radio License classes. Testing will be held in the meeting room outside the Madera Ballroom at 18:00 on Saturday (after the last talk of the evening, before the party).

The cost is $14 per exam (cash only) and must be paid prior to test taking. To take an exam at LayerOne just sign-up and bring $14 cash and two forms of identification (one should be a government-issued photo ID). If you are upgrading to a higher license class, you also need to bring a paper copy of your existing license. Walk-ins are accepted, but signing-up ahead of time is highly recommended!

Good luck to everyone who takes the test!

The LayerOne Staff

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